So for those of you who might know, I was in love with cooking a few years ago. I even had plans to go to school and become a big time chef and all that. Life got in the way of my plans and well, I didn't go to school. I also lost the passion I had for cooking. I didn't cook for I think, it was at least 2 1/2 years or more. I am happy to tell you, that I have dug deep and found my passion for cooking again. I love reading my cook books. I read them like people read mystery books. It amazes me how all I can think about is food and what I can do with it. Even my favorite movie is based on cooking. Julie and Julia. I am so very much in love with that movie. I am in the process of setting up a similar project for myself based on the movie. I am not going to go through a whole cook book in a year. I think, I will just pick a few recipes out of a cookbook or even offline. I will then write in my blog and tell you how everything is going. I am very happy to have found my passion for food again. It is so much fun for me. When I am cooking I am just in my place, in my own little land that only Christopher gets to come into. Lately I have just been doing simple stuff. Vegetables from a can rice from a package. Simple stuff. For Christmas I hope to make a nice big dinner.
Something else I have gotten into is, baking. I don't know why either. I don't really like pastries, or dessert type of food. I did make banana walnut bread a while back and it turned out pretty good. Then I made cupcakes. I have been wanting to make a cake here recently. I haven't because Wes has been gone for work and it would go to waste. He will be able to be home for a little while so it would be a good time to make one. I also want to get into making cookies. Well at least sugar cookies so I can decorate them. You know, now that I think about it, I may just want to decorate all the baked goods that I want to cook not necessarily eat them, just make them pretty. :)
Well there you have it. I will keep the blogs coming to keep you informed. I hope this all works out and maybe it will further my cooking career.
I love that movie also. Glad to hear you are finding your passion again for cooking. Have you checked out the online recipe sites like I get their daily email and many times have ended up making that recipe for dinner. LOL