Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Its been quite a while.

Well good grief its been a LONG while since I have blogged. WELL, there really isn't much to say even now. I have a job now. :( Not something I would choose but you gotta get the bills paid somehow. I am a cashier at Meijer. It is not a bad job. It is nice being able to talk to people. I'm a talker just like my grandma. There are some crazy people out there that make you think...."can you really be that stupid".....but you just smile and get them out of your line as soon as you can and hope the next person has some smarts. I do have some "hints and tricks" for shopping though.

1. If you are in line and ready to check out and you find that you do not want a few items don't just stick them anywhere you'd like on any shelf or crevice you find. Please give the item to the cashier and he/she will be happy to put it in their "return" bucket and get it back to where it belongs. This keeps shelves and isles clean and neat.

2. READ, READ, READ!!!! If you are buying something that you see has a sign or some type of mark down PLEASE read the sign or markdown sticker or ad or whatever. Many sales have exclusions and/or size preferences for the sale. If you do not read and end up grabbing the wrong item then the cashier has to find out why the item is not ringing up correctly. Which could take quite a while. Just please READ!

3. There are allot of places that have the Bag Carousels nowadays. When the cashier is putting items in the bags and spins the Carousel to get to an empty bag this is not a "que" to you, to turn the carousel so you can get the full bag of your items that you cannot reach. The cashier will turn the carousel so you can retrieve your bags when he/she is done with your order. Patience is the word for this "hint/trick".

4. Please do not blame the cashier for something ringing up wrong. The cashier had nothing to do with it. All the cashier does is ring up the item and bag the item. If you want to blame anyone just ask the cashier to call the manager and you can blame them. Which it really isn't their fault either but they will be able to help you more than the cashier.

5. Cashiers cannot return items at their registers. Items that need to be returned need to go to the service desk. End of story.

6. Cashiers are not meant to put away your carts/baskets. There are door greeters at both entrances and they are the ones who have that lovely job of putting your carts and baskets where they belong. Its not like its out of the way when you are leaving.

Well now that I have that out of my system I am going to bed. Goodnight my friends.

Friday, September 23, 2011

Christopher update

In 9 days Christopher will be 2 years old! I cannot believe he is going to be 2. He has grown so much. He is wearing 4T clothing. To me that seems pretty big. He has his "Check Up" on Monday the 3rd and I am anxious to see how big he actually is. He is saying many words but has yet to make any sentences. He does say "I go" when we say "Lets go" when we are going out. He says it like a question, like "Can I go?". Like there is an option of leaving him home. We now have a tricycle for him to play on. He does pretty well on it. He is still learning how to peddle. He'll peddle for a little bit then he stops. Then he will start peddling again he has alot of fun on it and is doing very well. Next we will teach him how to turn when a tree is in the way. He is so independent. Especialy while eating. He wants to handle the fork and spoon. The fork he can do quite well. The spoon on the other hand he is still working on. He doesn't realize that you have to keep the spoon straight up or the food will fall off. I am still teaching and he is still learning. Usualy I will just guide his hand and help hold the spoon so nothing falls off. He has also slept the last 2 nights without his bottle. That is also going very well. He doesn't seem to really care that he doesn't have it. He is just growing like a weed and I am very anxious to watch him grow even more.

Friday, June 10, 2011


      So there is this guy in a motorized wheel chair scooter thing that always goes up and down the sidewalk, here at the apartment complex. It seems like everyday he gets out and just rides around the complex getting his daily dose of fresh air. He also has a music device of some sort and he is just bobbing his head to the beat having a good ole’ time in his own little musical world. He is maybe in his late 30’s early 40’s. We just had a nice big storm come through and it was getting pretty serious outside with the lightning. Well I was looking outside watching the birds play in the puddles when I see him just cruising his way down the sidewalk, bound and determined to get his fresh air no matter what the elements may be. He was doing his normal bobbing with the beat and had his umbrella in a nifty umbrella holder on his little scooter thing. I just thought it was interesting and needed to share that with the world. J

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


Would you all please take a moment of silence for my spring flower basket. It has kicked the bucket or pot rather. It did put up a good fight though. It slowly lost its beautiful flowers one by one and it just gave up and is no longer pretty. It was a very pretty flower pot that accented my corner very delicately with its beautiful flowers. It seems like just weeks ago that I bought it and it was alive and beautiful. Wait a minute it was just weeks ago. :) Anyways, I don't believe I will be getting anymore flower pots this season BUT, I will get another vine or something else like that. We will all remember you and your pretty-ness my beautiful spring flower basket.

Monday, May 30, 2011


So Wes and I went to Lowes yesterday and decided we wanted some cactus. We bought about quite a few and have them all in their own little mini gardens. Here are some pictures of them. Hope you enjoy.
These we liked because they were odd and different

This one is my favorite. I love all the colors in this one.

These are called Old Man and Old Lady. I bet you can't tell which is the man and which is the lady.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Sun + Plants = Happy Healthy Plants

     Well it has been rainy and cloudy for about 2 weeks now. My poor flowers are looking so droopy and sad. Today the sun has decided to grace us with its shine and my flowers are outside soaking it ALL up. They are looking so happy now.
     Also, I have discovered that some plants need watering more often than other plants. Duh. :) My flowers need watering every 3 to 4 days. My vine needs watering every 4 to 5 days. The other plants I have never need watering, they are very simple plants.  I want to get more plants and just have a jungle in this apartment. I will wait though till my thumb gets a little greener. :)
     Oh, and since my floweres were looking not as healthy as they should some of them were dieing. I would pick off the dead ones and throw them outside. Well Christopher saw me doing this and he thought he would help. Well, being 19 months old he does not know the difference between a dead flower and a live flower. Yes, he was picking off my beautiful flowers that were still healthy and happy. I have rearanged my living room so that I can put the flowers up away from him. Hes such a helpful little guy. Thats the update hope you have a safe and wonderful weekend!!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Adventure in Plants

     So, I have purchased my first few plants. When I was growing up we didn’t have many plants in the house because, well, my mom doesn’t do so well with plants. She can get real easy plants that don’t need a lot of watering or any maintenance. I have never had plants before. I decided I wanted to see how much of a “green thumb” I have. My first plant I bought was a vine. It is hanging in my dining room just low enough for Wes to bump his head. I have already repotted the vine into a bigger pot that fits my décor. My next plant purchases were two bamboo shoots that came in these pretty green holders and had purple and pink flowers on them. The flowers are fake but it still looks good. I was given an Aloe Vera plant which stays outside for some balcony decoration. Just the other day I bought a hanging mixed spring basket. It has a few different types of flowers in it. Its really pretty but it really doesn’t have a spot yet because it needs sun and my apartment doesn’t get ANY sun at all. So I have it out on the balcony during the day and bring it in at night. With the spring basket I bought a couple plants that are called “Succulent Dish Garden”. It is just a small little dish that has a variety of different little plants and they are VERY low maintenance. They would work very well with my mother. J It is also covered in rocks as well. I hope all goes well with my plants and I do plan on getting more. Wish me luck with my “Adventure in Plants”.
These first two are my Succulent garden dishes.

These are my two bamboo shoots

My beautiful vine.
Spring flower basket
Last is my Aloe vera

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Elder Gentleman

At Wal-mart there is an Elder Gentleman who is just the cutest old person.He works in the produce department and he always stops what he is doing to come and talk to us. He is in love with Christopher. He reminds me allot of my Grandpa. If I see him I nonchalantly work my way towards him so he can see Christopher. Christopher just loves him. He sits there in the cart just smiling and being his cute self. I have found out that he has 3 grandchildren but he is fascinated with the younger kids around Christopher's age. He says that Christopher has a million dollar smile. I obviously agree with him. :-) He is just a cute grandpa who needed to be talked about. I have yet to get his name though.

Things I miss as a child

Things I miss as a child:

I miss my mom doing EVERYTHING  for me.

I miss not having to call stupid insurance people who send me a "questionnaire" to fill out. Which says "If you have any questions please call us and we will be glad to help" WELL, when I call I expect to be talking to someone who is actualy glad to be helping me.

I miss not having to pay bills.

I miss being able to sleep in until 11am and not feel guilty about it.

I miss being able to sleep in.

I miss only having to be responsible for myself.

I miss my mom.

I miss not having any stress.

I miss being a kid.

I miss not having to clean everyday.

Don't get me wrong I love my life right now and everything and everyone in it. There are just some things I miss from childhood.

Grocery Store Etiquette 101

#1     As you go up and down the grocery store isles you walk on the right side of the isle. Its like driving, you drive and walk on the right side of sidewalks, roads, isles, etc. You do not slowly make your way down the center of the isle slowing everyone down.

#2     When you shop with children, watch them. When you go on ahead, there is no question they are knocking something down and not picking it up.

#3     Just because you are on your cell phone doesn't mean life slows down. You can still go at the same pace you were going before you were on the phone.

#4      If you meet up with someone you know and would like to have a little chat with them, please make sure you are out of every ones way.

#5     When you are walking to and from your car, you need to walk on the right side of the cars. Not the middle of the row. It is just like in the store. Also when exiting the store and you are waiting for someone or are talking to a friend, do not stand directly in front of the door blocking the people wanting in or out of the store. Stand aside.

Please just be considerate and respectful. We are all in this world its not only you.

Saturday, February 26, 2011


My favorite meal of the day is breakfast. Not really sure why. Maybe because all I think about is food and what better way to start the day than with a wonderful breakfast. I think the best breakfast I have made is what I made last saturday and today. 5 potaotoes(chopped), 1 large onion (chopped), Green Bell pepper, (chopped) and sliced mushrooms. I like to use maple sausage, it just gives it that nice sweet taste. Then of course the eggs. You can mix the eggs into everything or you can just scramble them on the side, or even just do a cook to order for eveyone. Put a little cheese on it and there you have it a very good filling breakfast. I love to make it. It does take a little time though. You have to cook the potatoes just right then add everything else just at the right moment. Its a skilled task that I like to think I have mastered. :-) Well thats it for today just wanted to comment on my wonderful filling breakfast.

Friday, February 18, 2011


OK, So I have had $3 in my wallet for a few weeks now. Not real sure where it came from. I was cleaning out my wallet and it had just appeared there. I have been wondering what I am going to do with this $3. Well today on the way home from Wal-Mart, I was first in line of a long line of cars. Up ahead there is a person standing with a cardboard sign. Not uncommon to see at the Wal-Mart parking lot. Like most people I just think to myself "get a job". Well today something was urging me to stop and give the man something. I'm racking my brain for something to give this guy trying to think quick before I reach the stop sign where he is standing. I think, "do I just hand him a bag of groceries. I do have a $10 but we need laundry done. What can I give this guy." The feeling of guilt is starting to creap up on me. For some reason I really want to give this guy something. Well I finaly reach him at the stop sign and I reach down for the change from the ashtray and there in the diaper bag is my wallet with the $3 sticking out nice and conveinient for me to quickly give it to this guy. He was extremely grateful and thanked me profusely. As I drive away with a huge silly smile on my face I look in the rear view mirror and most of the line of cars behind me were stopping and giving him something. I said to Christopher "Well look at what mommy started." Whats weird is I didn't use that pocket of my wallet when I was in Wal-Mart. I don't know if Christopher unzipped it or if the zipper was cought on something when I put it down. All I know is I started a line of good deeds today and I feel very good about it. Something inside me just knows that, that man needed that $3 more than I did and who knows how much more he got from the vehicals behind me.